Colored Pencils and Markers and Pens…Oh My!

No two colorists are exactly the same…

We all have our preferences. Our likes. Our dislikes. Some prefer to use colored pencils, others prefer to use markers, gel pens, or paints. Some even like to dabble in everything! Recently, I’ve felt like I’m not branching out enough with my coloring mediums. This inspired me to start researching different options.


Below is what I’ve found and what I have used before. I hope you keep reading and get some coloring inspiration yourself.

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A Colorist’s Snapshot: Coloring, Struggles, and Advice

Sometimes you look at a coloring page, you have instant inspiration as to how you want to color it, and it comes out just how you wanted it to…other times not so much.

I am currently attempting to color a really cool snake coloring page in my “Tropical World” coloring book, but it’s just not coming out the way I had hoped and I keep getting the urge to give up on it altogether.

Here is the picture:


As you can see, I am about halfway done with it.

I really like the design and I like my idea to color it rainbow since it’s a rainbow boa. What I don’t like is that the colors aren’t running together as smoothly as I wanted them to especially at the very beginning of the snake’s body. No matter what though, I am trying not to give up on finishing the picture.

My friends gave me the following advice when they heard I had the urge to give up:

Take a break from the picture you are working on and come back to it later. Look at it with new eyes once you get back because maybe you will see it in a different light, see ways you can improve it, and even try to work it in a way that makes you like it better. 

I want to encourage anyone to take that advice if they ever get into a situation similar to my own because this advice has worked for me.

Once I get frustrated, I just take a step back, work on a different coloring page, or even just go do something else for however long I need to. Every time I come back, I end up working on the picture a little more.

I have a feeling that once I finish this coloring page, I will like the way it came out even if I keep getting frustrated along the way. And even if I don’t like it, I will appreciate the effort I put into it and the peace of mind that the coloring itself gave me.

I also give the advice that sometimes it’s more about the process than the product so don’t fret if what you’re working on isn’t how you want it to look.

In any event, I would love to hear from others who have been in the same position as me before. Do you have any different advice to share? Or do you have some inspiring words for people who are struggling?

It’s always great to teach others and to learn something new yourself so feel free to leave advice, encouraging words, or anything else you’d like to share in the comments!